速報APP / 健康塑身 / Abhyasi Digital Store (ADS)

Abhyasi Digital Store (ADS)


檔案大小:37.9 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Abhyasi Digital Store (ADS)(圖1)-速報App

ADS App - This app is a personal library linked to Abhyasi Digital Store(ADS). Users can download all items purchased previously in ADS into their local devices and can download free content available in ADS into their devices. Those purchases are available for download any number of times. User can log in using mysrcm credentials and can link upto five devices with a single mysrcm account. This means, content purchased through a single mysrcm id can be downloaded and played in five different devices.

The app has three tabs -

Abhyasi Digital Store (ADS)(圖2)-速報App

Catalog - This is the ADS catalog. It lists all products available for purchase/download from ADS. Currently, the app allows purchase and download of free items directly from the app. Also, if the user has purchased store credits in USD, the app will allow the user to purchase content using the store credit.

Purchase - This lists all the products purchased by the user. It is available for download to the device.

Abhyasi Digital Store (ADS)(圖3)-速報App

My Library - This contains all the content downloaded into the device and available for rendering in the device. For better storage management of the device, the app allows the user to delete downloaded content in the local device. The deleted content can be downloaded later, if needed from the purchased tab.

For the app to render content, it is necessary to have an eBook reader like Mobi and video player like VLC installed on the device.

Abhyasi Digital Store (ADS)(圖4)-速報App

Another useful feature of this app is to access content in offline mode.

Currently, this app supports only phone form factor only.

Abhyasi Digital Store (ADS)(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad